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Articles & Webinars


Family Wellbeing and Supporting Children with Special Needs

During the seminar, our speakers will share legal and psychological advice for parents and carers with special needs children, to contribute to better family wellbeing through resolving issues with new methods and to help ease the burden of parents, and caregivers when taking care of children with special needs.

Judge's Table

Child Custody Evaluation in Hong Kong - What you Need to Know

When tackling the challenge of divorce it is important to consider all aspects of the situation as early as possible. At Tanner De Witt we work with a range of trusted third parties in Hong Kong and caught up with Dr. Kristie Craigen of The Jadis Blurton Family Development Centre to find out more about child custody evaluations and what is involved.
Child In Speech Therapy

Dr. Kristie Craigen Clinician and Child Advocate

In this spotlight profile, Hong Kong Divorce spoke to Dr. Kristie Craigen.  Dr. Craigen is an internationally experienced clinician, psychometric testing and assessment specialist, child inclusive mediation consultant and child advocate.


Dr. Craigen is managing director at her clinic Craigen Evaluations  in Hong Kong and she provides a variety of in-person assessment and evaluation services to assist individuals in their healing process.  Dr. Craigen uses psychometric testing as a platform to understand human potential which in turn yields improvements in functioning and/or removes obstacles to learning.

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